Wind power forecasting
The software system produces wind power plant production forecasts that can then be used to plan the energy system operation.
The system consists of the following components:
- Interfaces for collecting meteorological forecasts (integration with meteorological forecast service providers)
- Measurement collecting interfaces (subscription to SCADA or AMR system)
- Interfaces for collecting maintenance plans (planned unavailability) and generation statuses and operating restrictions (either SCADA or directly)
- Simple mathematical model for forecasting
- Interfaces for integration with prognostic cores (support for prognostic cores from different vendors as well as simultaneous operation with multiple cores)
- Data archive
- Forecast visualization, comparisons of forecasts and metered production, error analysis
- Interface for integration with the market management system
System is currently being used (cloud based solution) in Crnogorski elektroprenosni sistem AD together with the forecasting core provided by our partner ENFOR A/S.